Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Saga International Balloon Fiesta

It was the last weekend before the festival ends. So last Saturday, Shahril and I with his friends, Zai and Wok went to the Saga International Balloon Fiesta.

We went out from our home at 1430 and went to fetch Zai at his home. Around 1440 straight away we headed to Saga town to fetch Wok. The traffic was so heavy on the way to Saga town. We arrived at Wok's around 1520 and straight away to the balloon festival. That time the traffic was extremely heavy... we could barely move our vehicle. We have to follow the flow until we reached the parking lot at 1635. Crazy.. huh!!

We're here!!

There were lots of stalls selling souvenirs and food. We had some crepe, Turkish kebab, grilled corn and popcorn and chilled for a while before the event started. Of course we were there to see the balloons.

Walking through the stalls

Delicious Turkish Chicken Kebab!! Yummy~

After we had the kebab~ I kept thinking of it over and over again! hihiks

The event should start in few more minutes. Unfortunately, it was windy so they can't get the balloon ready cause the fire won't stay still. Huhuhu.. what an unlucky day~

They couldn't set up the balloons.. huhuhu...

We went back home feeling unhappy :(

I got myself a candy apple (apple coated with hard crunchy sweet syrup) to stabilize my mood.. hihiks

beneath the heart,



Anonymous said...

hihik.. chepa with candy apple as always :P.. dr dulu suka dok cuter pasal apple candy kat romania aa.. ape aa :P... anyway the baloons are cuuteee.. kawaiii

:: azfa * shahril :: said...

hihiks.. zeghinnn! kalo ko wat business candy apple ni, ko dah confirm ade sorang loyal customer nih! hihihiks